CruiseOne - Sara Perkins & Assoc.
Contact Bill Rettberg directly to book your cruise. Email b.rettberg@cruiseone.com, or call 443-567-6899. Cruises from Baltimore, New Jersey and New York are a big hit for many of us in Maryland since they are a great drive-to port. Save the hassles of flying and make your get-away plans now!
Europe is a great destination this year since the Euro and the British Pound are down; meaning the value of the dollar is up. Cash in on the savings and take a memorable land tour package vacation. You can decide if you prefer a fully or only partially escorted tour.
I look forward to having the opportunity of helping you plan your first or next cruise experience or next vacation package!
The office of CruiseOne Sara Perkins & Assoc. is celebrating 20 years of excellence in quality & service with lots of friends made through repeat business and referrals! Will YOU join us, too?
We focus not only on the planning of cruise destinations (anywhere in the world and with all major cruise lines), but, also with select resort properties & tour companies such as Sandals, Beaches, Apple Vacations, Globus, Trafalgar & more.
Personalized service and attention to detail is at no additional cost to you! Why deal with the confusion of internet companies when we can offer the same rates or lower and provide you with so much more? We take the time to understand your vacation desires, expectations & budget to match you to your perfect vacation experience.
Have you ever considered:
Cruising for just two, as a family, or even a family gathering?
Cruising as a group with your favorite Club or organization?
Golfing in Hawaii, Bermuda or the Caribbean?
Visiting Alaska, Europe, China, New Zealand, etc.?
Incentive sales, meetings-at-sea or even fundraisers?
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