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4 Reasons to Consider a Short Engagement

Although the average engagement length has increased, there are plenty of couples that would rather have a short engagement, and for a number of great reasons. Read on for a few of our favorite reasons to consider a short engagement!

Jonathan & Amanda | 8.3.2014
Wedding Planned in 3 Months | Stephanie Dee Photography

Over time, the typical length of engagements has increased.  Based on our venue's availability, the average engagement is around 15-18 months. There are many reasons for this change - couples' financials, living situations, and desires for a specific date or season are just a few. Although the average engagement length has increased, there are plenty of couples that would rather have a shorter engagement, and the reasons they choose to do so might not be applicable to you - or they might be the perfect reasons for you to consider a shorter length of time between the engagement and the wedding.

So, what is a short engagement? For most, an engagement of six months or less qualifies. In 2014 alone, we saw our fair share. Of the 70+ weddings we hosted, fifteen were planned in less than six months, with six of those being planned in less than three! This trend has continued into 2015, with three of our weddings so far being planned in six months or under.

Take a moment and read through some of our favorite reasons to consider a short engagement!

Jordan & Anne | 11.9.14
Wedding Planned in 9 weeks | Josh Wong Photography

Stress | Last year, a bride told us, "I thought that since I had a year and a half to plan that it wouldn't be so stressful the last few months." It's common knowledge that planning a wedding is stressful. Because of this, many couples try to alleviate the tension associated with planning by having a longer engagement. But unfortunately, whether you're engaged for six months or sixteen, stress is likely going to be a factor those last couple of weeks or months. During the planning (whether long or short), most brides come to a point where they're tired of the anxiety; they're over the decision-making and the waiting and ready to get married. For these reasons, some couples choose a short engagement, knowing that while there's sure to be stress, at least it will be for a shorter time frame.

Danny & Heather | 1.24.15
Wedding Planned in 3 Months | Nicole Leigh Photography

You'll Spend Less | A shorter timeline allows you the opportunity to save some money! Since your date is only a few months away, you gain some negotiating power with your vendors, as many will discount their rates significantly for fast-approaching dates that remain open. Also, don't forget about sample sales! In many cases, you can snatch up your dress and maybe even your bridesmaid's dresses for much less than you'd spend if you had a longer time frame to shop. And since you don't have as much time to change your mind, you'll be less prone to spend on things you don't need. All of these things combined give you the ability to have your dream wedding at a fraction of the price.

John & Jessica | 10.26.14
Wedding Planned in 6 Months | Meg Brock Photography

Marriage begins sooner | This one might be a little obvious. From the moment he asked and you said "yes" (and most likely, even before that), you've been thinking about the moment you'll say "I do". Knowing that marriage is the reason for the planning, some couples decide to keep the waiting period short. When my now-husband and I looked at possible wedding dates shortly after getting engaged, it was an easy decision. We took on the stress of a short engagement knowing that we didn't want to wait to start married life. Marriage changes things, and many couples are anxious for the planning period to be over and for their new lives as Mr. and Mrs. to begin.

Michael & Pamela | 5.2.15
Wedding Planned in 10 weeks | Cory with Morby Photography

Decisions Come More Quickly | With 12+ months to plan, it's natural to second-guess yourself. You'll pour over Pinterest and wedding magazines for months, struggling to decide between salmon or flounder, roses or peonies, three tiers or four. Decisions will be made only to be reversed a month or so later. A shorter time-frame forces you to make decisions and stick with them, allowing you to move on to the next detail. A short engagement also allows you to work as a couple, crossing items off of the to-do list and then tackling the next project together.

The rationales above won't work for everyone, but for those of you considering taking on a short engagement, we want to assure you - it can be done. You can plan the wedding of your dreams in only a few months. It will be a whirlwind, but a whirlwind that ends in your wedding and ultimately, a marriage. If you find yourself agreeing with the reasons presented, know that while it will be stressful, it will be completely worth it when at the end of the day, you find yourselves married and ready to begin your life together.

Photos Courtesy of: Stephanie Dee PhotographyJosh Wong PhotographyNicole Leigh PhotographyMeg Brock PhotographyMorby Photography

If you’d like more information on having your wedding or event at Brandywine Manor House, call or email us today at or 610.942.2200.

Posted by Aimee Farrell on 05/22/2015

Category Articles: All In 1 Event Spaces Provider: Brandywine Manor House
Provider Articles: Brandywine Manor House

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