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National Liberty Museum

Philadelphia, PA, Pennsylvania

Featuring eight beautiful galleries on four expansive floors, our historic building includes a world-class glass art collection, inspiring exhibits, and stunning iconic architecture in the heart of Philadelphia.

Gather in Liberty Hall or sip cocktails in the Welcome to Liberty Gallery. Enjoy a small dinner party around the “Flame of Liberty” or listen to the laughter of children at a birthday party in our Education Center. The wide variety of stunning spaces within the Museum makes it a perfect Philadelphia event venue for every special occasion. Separately or in combination, our galleries can accommodate from 25 to 350 guests depending on what space is used.

Contact us today for more information!


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Contact Person Event Coordinator
Address 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19106
Is your facility handicapped accessible Yes
Is the facility indoor only, outdoor only, or both? Indoor Only
Does your facility have guest rooms No
Does your facility have air conditioning Yes
Maximum capacity with dancing 350
Maximum capacity without dancing 350