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Ragtops Motorcars Museum

West Palm Beach, Florida

Ragtops has a magical effect on everyone as they enjoy our special events playground filled with auto memorabilia and a great collection of vintage cars, valued at over two million dollars.

The 8,000 square foot facility is separated into twin 4,000 square foot rooms by unique roll-drop curtains that will rise to the 18′ ceiling for a spectacular reveal. Guests will be surrounded by amazing memorabilia, a drive-in movie screen, and of course, classic cars glistening around the room. As an antique automobile dealership, a museum and a one-of-a-kind Pam Beach wedding venue, Ragtops will be sure to give guests an exceptional experience they will never forget!


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Contact Person Ty Houck
Phone 561-379-6500
Address 420 Claremore Drive, West Palm Beach, 33401
Is your facility handicapped accessible Yes
Is kosher catering available Yes
Is outside kosher catering permitted? Yes
Is the facility indoor only, outdoor only, or both? Indoor and Outdoor
Does your facility have guest rooms No
Does your facility have air conditioning Yes
Maximum capacity with dancing 350
Maximum capacity without dancing 300
Facility restrictions None
Rental fees

Please reach out via phone or email and we would be more than happy to discuss.
