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6 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Sunday Wedding

Let the start of a new week be the start of married life for you and your new spouse.

Photo Credit: Morby Photography

As the spring of 2015 begins, our available dates in 2016 are starting to dwindle. As many of our Fridays and Saturdays have been reserved, couples hoping to have their wedding at BMH are realizing that Sundays are their only option. As a recent bride whose wedding was on a Sunday, I find it interesting that many brides and grooms immediately disqualify the option of a Sunday wedding. While I understand many of the reservations these couples have, I think it’s important to point out the many benefits that, in my humble opinion, balance out some of the negatives. We and our guests had an incredible time on our wedding day, and thinking about that has gotten me inspired to share some of the perks of hosting a Sunday wedding.

Availability: If you fall in love with a venue, but the only available dates are on Sundays, is that really a reason to forego the venue of your dreams? We’ve had girls that come in dead-set on an early spring wedding, only to end up choosing a Sunday in November, based on availability and their decision to hold it at our venue regardless of date. If your desired date isn’t based on sentimental reasons, it’s best to be flexible. Fridays and Saturdays book up about 12-18 months out, leaving Sundays available and subject to my next point.

Discounts: BMH and in many cases, other wedding vendors, discount Sunday wedding dates, meaning you could save thousands! When considering a Sunday, ask vendors if they offer any discounts for that day of the week. If so, take the amount of money saved into account. While Sundays are not the most traditional wedding day of the week, if you’re on a budget, it might be worth it.

More Time with Out-of-Town Guests: This was a big one for my husband and me when we decided on a Sunday. For a typical Saturday wedding, your out-of-town guests will arrive late Friday evening. You’ll see them at the wedding and spend a short time with them before jetting off for your honeymoon. When hosting a Sunday wedding, you have the majority of the weekend with your guests before spending Sunday prepping for the wedding and getting hitched! All four of our groomsmen and one of our bridesmaids were from out of state. They arrived Friday night and we spent the entire weekend with them before getting married and setting off on our honeymoon. For friends that we hadn’t seen in nearly a year, that time together was so worth it!

You Can End Early: Just because you have your wedding on a Sunday doesn’t mean you have to end early (I ended at 10pm). But I went to a Sunday wedding recently where the bride and groom could not wait to leave. It wasn’t that they weren’t having fun at their own wedding, they were enjoying every minute, but they were ready to start their honeymoon and married life. Some brides think they’ll never want the wedding to end, but the vast majority will at some point realize they’re ready to go and finally have some alone time with their husband after spending an entire day surrounded by guests. By having a Sunday wedding, you can easily end earlier – whether it’s having a brunch wedding that ends at 5pm or even an evening wedding over by 10pm, which isn’t really that early. Ending a little earlier than Fridays and Saturdays allows those guests that want to get home early without leaving the wedding early, to do so!  Also, if you have guests that aren’t ready to head home, it also allows them to head to my next point.

More Time for an After Party: For most Friday and Saturday weddings, after parties don’t even begin until midnight or later. Some hotels close their bars by that time. Sunday weddings will have some guests that want to go home, but the other guests – those that are staying in town overnight or those that are a little younger – can go to an after party at the hotel and still be in bed before 2am.

Travel for your Guests: We frequently hear, “We really need a Saturday because we have a lot of guests traveling.” I understand, but thing is, most guests that will be traveling for your wedding will have to take off at least one day of work. It’s unfortunate, but the truth – even if having your wedding on a Saturday (or especially a Friday!). They’ll usually fly/drive out on Friday and leave to go back home on Sunday. By having a Sunday wedding, they’ll still be taking off only one day, they’ll just be switching – instead of Friday, they’ll take off Monday. When planning my wedding and discussing with our friends, many said that for them to take off Friday would be a nightmare; but taking off a Monday would be a breeze (and considering that most people hate Mondays, they might even enjoy having that day off!).

I have no regrets about having my wedding on a Sunday. The reasons above won’t work for everyone, but for me, choosing a Sunday gave me everything I needed. My friends still had a few drinks and had a blast and I didn’t have a single friend that was unable to come because it was on a Sunday. Regardless of the season you choose – fall or spring, winter or summer – or the day of the week – Friday, Saturday, or Sunday – it won’t work for everyone. There will be some guests that are unable to attend. I tell each bride and groom the same thing – if your guests want to come, they’ll find a way to make it work. As you decide on your wedding date, consider the options above and make a decision with your groom that works for you, because ultimately, the day is about you as a couple and pledging your love and commitment to each other. Let the start of a new week be the start of married life for you and your new spouse.

 If you would more information on having your wedding or event at Brandywine Manor House, call or email us today at or 610.942.2200.

Posted by Aimee Farrell on 04/01/2015

Category Articles: All In 1 Event Spaces Provider: Brandywine Manor House
Provider Articles: Brandywine Manor House

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